About "SATOUMI" -Central taiwan marine conservation education center

About Satoumi 2023-Le Tsuân Design&Interior Deco. 001
About Satoumi 2023-Le Tsuân Design&Interior Deco. 001

The coastal areas are where humans and shallow marine ecosystems coexist. The "Aichi Targets" emphasize that the sustainable management of natural environments must involve local communities in planning, cooperation, and management. This center upholds the same philosophy and aims to convey conservation knowledge and principles about the "Satoumi" of Central Taiwan through its exhibits and marine environmental education programs. The goal is to achieve a vision of harmonious coexistence between people and nature, characterized by a deep connection with, understanding of, and love for the sea.

About Satoumi 2023-Le Tsuân Design&Interior Deco. 001

About "Satoumi" Central Taiwan Marine Conservation Education Center

About "Satoumi"

  The term "Satoumi," mentioned in the Aichi Targets, originates from Japanese. "Sato" (里) means "home" or "village," and "Umi" (海) means "sea," so "Satoumi" translates to "Sea of the Community." A healthy "Satoumi" offers many benefits: it ensures sustainable material cycling, integrated management of marine and coastal areas, and preservation of diverse and rich ecosystems and natural environments, which can be passed on to future generations.

About Satoumi 2023-Le Tsuân Design&Interior Deco. 001